sábado, 31 de março de 2012



1. _ Complete the invitations in A with the present continuous used as future. Complete the responses in B with be going to.
1. Are you going to do (do) anything on Saturday? Do you want go out for dinner?

2. What are you going to do (do) tomorrow? Would you like to play tennis?

3. My birthday is on Sunday I am going to have ( have) party. Would you and your parents like to come?

4. Are you going to stay (stay) at home? Do you want to see a film tonight?

a. Sorry, I can’t. I am going to work (work) overtime tonight. How about on Sunday?

b. OK. I’m going to see (see) you on Sunday.

c. Sorry, I can’t. I am going to travel (travel) in the afternoon.

d. I am going (go) to work in the morning, but I am not going to do (not do) anything in the afternoon

2. _ Fill in the blanks with the verbs on the right, using them in the simple future:

Jorge will live in Teresina

On February 10th Jorge will move to Teresina.
move          live
live          work
teach            go
not study
be                 be  
He, his wife and their children will live on Afonso Pena Street.
They have a boy and a girl. Their names are Peter and Jane.
He will live with Aunt Mary and his children.
He is a doctor. He will work in a hospital.
My aunt Mary is a teacher. She will teach in a school.
Jane and Peter will go toin  the same school but will not study in the same grade. Jane will be in the 6th grade and Peter will be in the 8th grade.

3. Fill in the blanks and repeat:

I will help my family

Miss Janet: What will you do if you win a million dollars in the Lottery, Nelson?
Nelson: I will spend a year in Paris and I’ll spend one year in Argentina. Miss Janet: What will you do if you win a million dollars in the Megasena, Heloise?
Heloise: I will study at a private College.
Miss Janet: What are you going to do if you win a million dollars in the Lottery, Deborah?
Deborah: I will buy a luxury car and a big house.
Miss Janet: What will you do if you win a million dollars in the Lottery, Fred?
Fred: I will help my family, the poor, and the sick people.
spend          spend
study           what
do                  buy
a big
a million dollars
the poor sick

4. Make sentences to complete the examples for the rules.
We use will
To make predictions or talk about the future in general.


In weekend I’ll travel to Teresina.
Believe me, I’ll be there.
I’ll stay by your side.

When we decide to do something at the moment of speaking.


I’m speaking English very bad.
I’m seeing my girlfriend in the evening.
She’s talking to students now.

We use be going to
To talk about something that we have already decided to do.


I’m going to school on the Saturdays.
I’m going to visit my sister in weekend.
I’m going to play soccer with my friends.

Write sentences following the first example:


My husband's going to go on a diet.
He isn't going to drink so much beer.

a - I / take / exercise.
I’m going to take exercise.
I don’t going to take exercise every day.
b - I / work / bard.
I’m going to work with a bard.
I’m going to work with a bard next week.

c -My daughter / tidy / bedroom.
My daughter’s going to tidy the bedroom.
She isn’t going to tidy bedroom in the afternoon.

d - She / talk / phone for hours.
She’s going to talk on phone for hours.
She isn’t going to talk on phone now.
e – My son/ have / hair cut.
My son’s going to have hair cut.
He isn’t going to have hair cut next month.

f -  He / watch / TV.
He’s going to watch TV.
He isn’t going to watch TV in the evening.

g – We / be nicer to each other.
We’re going to be nicer to each other.
We aren’t going to be nicer to each other tomorrow.

h – We / argue with each other.
We’re going to argue with each other.
We aren’t going to argue with each other today.

2) Choose the correct future form for each sentence.

2.1 A John and I are going to / will get married.
      B Oh that's great news!
      Resposta: John and I will get married.
2.2 A. I can't find my wallet!
      B. I'm going to / I'll help you look for it.
      Resposta: I’m going to help you look for it.
2. 3 A. Shall we go out for a meal this evening?
       B. Yes, OK. I'm going to / I'll phone and book a table.
       Resposta: Yes, Ok. I’ll phone and book a table.
2.4 A. Can you record that program for me?
      B. I'm going to \ I’ll have a bath.
      Resposta: I’m going to have a bath.
2.5 A. It's my birthday on Saturday.
      B. Are you going to / will you have a party?
      Resposta: Are you going to have a party?
2.6 A. I'm going to get a cup of coffee.
      B. Good idea. I'm going to / I’ll get one, too.
      Resposta: Good idea. I’ll get one, too.
2.7 A. Here’s that report.
      B. Oh, thanks. I'm going to / I’ll read it this evening.
      Resposta: Oh, thanks. I’m going to read it this evening.
2.8 A. If you see a black cat…
      B. you're going to / you'll have good luck.
      Resposta: You’ll have good luck

quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012


Eldam de Sousa Barros
          De um modo geral, entende-se o currículo como um modo de seleção da cultura produzida pela sociedade para a formação dos alunos. Enfim, é tudo o que se espera, seja aprendido e ensinado na escola. No caso do curso de Letras/Inglês, este currículo exige práticas voltadas às capacidades cognitivas dos alunos, onde o futuro  professor de inglês tem de apreender a essência do que é o ensino-aprendizagem e adequá-la ao projeto pedagógico dentro do qual ele é hoje, peça importante e imprescindível.
     Partindo do pressuposto de que o estudante do curso de Letras/Inglês venha a ser inserido no processo de ensino da língua inglesa, é de fundamental importância o uso da prática pedagógica. Deve-se ressaltar, no entanto, a necessidade  deste estudante em atingir o máximo de preparação, para futuramente conseguir ingressar no mercado de trabalho. Mas é claro, que se ele se inclina a se tornar professor, deve achar-se pronto para  mover-se com desenvoltura no ambiente da escola.
          É fato, que sem o auxílio e suporte da prática pedagógica, sua formação acadêmica tende a tornar-se falha e deficitária, com fissuras e rachaduras provenientes de uma formação mal alicerçada e capenga,  o que  muitas vezes leva o futuro professor de inglês a seguir num sentido contrário, distante dos propósitos que a educação de língua inglesa traz à tona, dentro de um processo de ensino-aprendizagem que busca ser eficaz, metódico e preciso.
      Daí a importância da inclusão da prática pedagógica no currículo de Letras/Inglês para que a mesma venha a servir de bússola que possa nortear todo o processo de ensino-aprendizagem e ao mesmo tempo possa situar o professor de inglês dentro do projeto pedagógico como um todo.

terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012


Eldam de Sousa Barros.

1. Por que a Educação Brasileira precisou passar por tantas reformas no decorrer de sua história?
_ De um modo geral, este sem número de reformas reflete um processo sócio-cultural e de caráter ideológico próprio da nação brasileira. Tantas reformas, contaminadas pelo vírus da burocracia determinam um “andar em círculos” permanente e seguem na esteira das mudanças políticas e sociais que ocorreram no Brasil, desde sua elevação a Reino Unido, passando pela Independência e República.

2. Você concorda com a ênfase que a LDB atual dá à leitura no ensino de língua estrangeira?  Justifique sua resposta.
_ Não. A fluência do inglês exige uma boa bagagem prática e cultural, onde a conversação e audição são fundamentais no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Ou seja, só a leitura não é suficiente para o aprendizado da língua. Pelo contrário, em certos casos, o uso desta prática cria entraves a um maior aprofundamento do idioma e como consequência, pouco contribui para o domínio e a fluência do mesmo.  

3. Aponte três das reformas sofridas pelo ensino brasileiro e diga de que forma as mesmas interferiram no ensino da língua inglesa:
 1. O Decreto n. 8.659, de 5 de abril de 1911    = estabelece a Lei Orgânica do     Ensino,[...] que de acordo com Oliveira (1999, p. 64) “entrou para a história da educação brasileira como uma tentativa frustrada de rompimento com o sistema então vigente”. 

 2. Paiva (2003, p. 54), informa que “paradoxalmente”, o prestígio da língua inglesa aumenta a partir do momento em que a Lei 4.024 de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB), de 20 de Dezembro de 1961 “ retirava a obrigatoriedade do ensino de LE do ensino médio, atual ensino básico e deixava a cargo dos estados a opção pela sua inclusão nos currículos”.

3. Em 1971, surge uma nova LDB, a lei 5.962, de 11 de agosto de 1971, que volta a incluir a língua estrangeira no currículo, sem torná-la obrigatória. Conforme diz a letra da lei, no seu artigo 8º., “Em qualquer grau, poderão organizar-se classes que reúnam alunos de diferentes séries e de equivalentes níveis de adiantamento, para o ensino de línguas estrangeiras e outras disciplinas, áreas de estudo e atividades em que tal solução se aconselhe” (BRASIL, 1971a, p.2).    

4. Vá à mesma escola de Ensino Fundamental e / ou Ensino Médio na qual você fez a atividade  anterior, converse com um (a) professor (a) de inglês, e se possível, converse também com o (a) diretor (a) e / ou coordenador (a) pedagógico (a). Faça então algumas perguntas e e anote aqui as respostas:

a. Os (as) pesquisados (as) tem conhecimento sobre a LDB:
( ) Sim ( ) Não (X ) Um pouco

b. Os (as) pesquisados (as) tem conhecimento acerca dos PCN:
( ) Sim ( ) Não ( X) Um pouco

c. Opinião sobre a necessidade do ensino de Inglês:
(X ) Muito importante ( ) Importante
( ) Pouco importante ( ) Não importante
( ) Desnecessário
Por que?
Porque com a globalização o inglês, por ser a língua universal é de suma importância para as comunicações, comércio e intercâmbios culturais que aproximam povos e nações.

d. Dificuldades enfrentadas para o ensino de Inglês:
( ) falta de material didático
( ) falta de interesse dos estudantes
( ) falta de preparo dos professores
( ) faltas de recursos na escola
(X ) Outra: Via de regra, é uma soma de fatores com destaque para a falta de motivação de alguns alunos e o falta de  estímulo de alguns professores, e/ou vice-versa, já que a ordem dos fatores não altera o produto. Solucionar esta equação exige um esforço maior por parte de todos os envolvidos no ensino da língua inglesa.

e. O que poderia ser mudado?
- Poderia haver uma maior sistematização do ensino de língua inglesa, com o apoio de materiais de suporte ao material didático e a realização de atividades lúdicas que de certa forma possam contribuir para motivar os alunos, inserindo-os desta forma no contexto e fazendo com que eles apreendam a importância da língua inglesa no mundo atual.

segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012



Now it’s time to calculate: write the answers in full.

a) 100 + 39 = One hundred and thirty-nine. 
b) 97 + 200 = Two hundred and ninety-seven.
c) 12 + 38   = Fifty.
d) 200 – 38 = One hundred and sixty-two.
e) 65 + 13   = Seventy-eight.
f) 15 x 5     = Seventy-five.

Answers these  questions giving your information:

1. What time do you get up every day?
   _ I get up at five o’clock every day.
2. What time do you have breakfast?
   _ I have my breakfast at six o’clock.
3. What time do you leave the house?
  _ I leave the house at seven o’clock.
4. What time do you get to work/school/university?
  _ I go to work at eight o’clock.
5. What time do you wake up on Saturday and Sunday?
  _ I wake up at six o’clock on weekend.

Answer about the text.

a) Where does Julio live?
_ He does live in a small town, in Devon, in the south of England.
b) How old is Julio?
_ He has 83 years old.
c) How often does Julio go swimming?
_ Every morning he goes swimming.
d) Does Julio have a car?
_ No, He doesn’t.
e) What’s his favorite dish?
_ His favorite dish is fish and vegetables.
f) How often does Julio visit his friends?
_ In the afternoon he sometimes visits his friends.

Write about your family routine.

I’m 40 years old. I live in a small town in Piauí, in the northest Brasil. Every morning, I  have my breakfast and I go to work. I  like to listen music, to watch movies and to pratice sports in general, but my hobbie is to read good books.  I don´t have a car, but I have a motorcycle and I usually in weekend I like to ride with my motorcycle. My favorite dish is fish.


How often do you go to English class?
_ I go to English class twice a month.
How often do you study English at home?
_ I study English three or four times a day.
How often do you go to the doctor during a year?
 _I hardly ever go to the doctor. I know it’s not right! But I promise to change my routine.


1. What does Susan Johnson say about stress?
_ When you are stressed, your blood pressure rises, your heart rate increases, and a host of stress hormones are dumped into your blood.
2. What does chronic stress cause?
_ Chronic stress can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to anything from the common cold cancer.
3. What are the benefits of jogging?
_ Walking causes your to produce mood-elevating beta-endorphins, and may prevent you becoming depressed or anxious.

Read the text and mark T for true and F for false:

a) This conversation is between two tourists.     ( T )
b) Dr. Morris studies bats and insects.                ( F )
c) Bats are good for plants.                                  ( T )
d) Austin is in Texas.                                           ( T )
e) Bats population is at risk of extinction.           ( F )

Complete with DO in the correct negative or interrogative form. Pay close attention to the third singular person.

a) Where do your brother and sister study?
c) His girlfriend does go to Harvard.
d) Carlos and I do work in an airport.
e) Does Paul live in San Francisco? 

Write a paragraph about yourself…

My name is Eldam. My surname is Sousa Barros. I’m 40 years old. I’m Brazilian. I was born in Teresina and I live in a small town, called Agricolândia. My phone number is 94667956 and my e-mail address is dambarros@live.com I study in UESPI  and I work in a state school. The names of my parents are Benício and Maria. I have four sisters and two brothers. My sisters Cláudia, 39, Léa, 36 e Alda, 33, are professors and Jayne Kelma, 19, study in UESPI too. My favorite athlete is Marta, a brazilian soccer woman. For me she’s simply the best. My favorite movie is Drácula de Bran Stocker.    

a) Complete the questions using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous:

1. What do you do to relax?
2. How often do you go out with friends?
3. What do you go to do this evening?
4. How often you spend time on your own?
5. What do you do usually at the weekend?
6. .Where do you go on holiday in the next two or three months?
7. How often do you argue with your family or friends?
8. Are you  learning something new at the moment?

b) Answer the questions in exercise 1 by giving your own information

Which questions refer to...
1. General habits or routines?
_ I sometimes watch TV before bed.
_ I don’t exercise very often.
_ I walk every day.   
2. Actions happening at the moment?
_ I’m studying English in the University.
_ I’m reading “Guimarães Rosa” at the moment.
_ I often listen “A-HA” in the evening.
3. The future?
_ I’m going to school.
_ I’m gonna visit my grandparents.
_ I’m taking English classes.


c) Write questions for these answers:
1. We go to school by bus.
How do you go to school?
2. I live in Teresina.
Where do you live?
3. She goes to school in the afternoon.
What time does she go to school? 
4. He doesn’t go to school because he is tired.
 He goes to school? 
5. I get up at 6:30
What time do you get up every day? 
6. They have three children.
How many children they have?
7. Yes, I speak English.
Do you speak English?
8. Yes, He is studying Portuguese.
Is he studying Portuguese?
9. Yes, we are mowing the lawn.
Are you mowing the lawn?
10. No, they are not sleeping. They are watching TV.
Are they sleeping?

sábado, 17 de março de 2012




Now it’s time to calculate: write the answers in full.

a) 100 + 39 = One hundred and thirty-nine. 
b) 97 + 200 = Two hundred and ninety-seven.
c) 12 + 38   = Fifty.
d) 200 – 38 = One hundred and sixty-two.
e) 65 + 13   = Seventy-eight.
f) 15 x 5     = Seventy-five.

Answers these  questions giving your information:

1. What time do you get up every day?
   _ I get up at five o’clock every day.
2. What time do you have breakfast?
   _ I have my breakfast at six o’clock.
3. What time do you leave the house?
  _ I leave the house at seven o’clock.
4. What time do you get to work/school/university?
  _ I go to work at eight o’clock.
5. What time do you wake up on Saturday and Sunday?
  _ I wake up at six o’clock on weekend.

Answer about the text.

a) Where does Julio live?
_ He does live in a small town, in Devon, in the south of England.
b) How old is Julio?
_ He has 83 years old.
c) How often does Julio go swimming?
_ Every morning he goes swimming.
d) Does Julio have a car?
_ No, He doesn’t.
e) What’s his favorite dish?
_ His favorite dish is fish and vegetables.
f) How often does Julio visit his friends?
_ In the afternoon he sometimes visits his friends.

Write about your family routine.

I’m 40 years old. I live in a small town in Piauí, in the northest Brasil. Every morning, I  have my breakfast and I go to work. I  like to listen music, to watch movies and to pratice sports in general, but my hobbie is to read good books.  I don´t have a car, but I have a motorcycle and I usually in weekend I like to ride with my motorcycle. My favorite dish is fish.


How often do you go to English class?
_ I go to English class twice a month.
How often do you study English at home?
_ I study English three or four times a day.
How often do you go to the doctor during a year?
 _I hardly ever go to the doctor. I know it’s not right! But I promise to change my routine.


1. What does Susan Johnson say about stress?
_ When you are stressed, your blood pressure rises, your heart rate increases, and host of stress hormones are dumped into your blood.
2. What does chronic stress cause?
_ Chronic stress can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to anything from the common cold to cancer.
3. What are the benefits of jogging?
_ Walking causes your brain to produce mood-elevation beta-endorphins, and may help prevent you from become depressed or anxious.


Choose the best alternative to complete each conversation.
A: What do you do?
            a)  Really? And you?                                                           
            b)  No, not really.                                                                
            c) I work in a restaurant.                                                      
*     d) I’m an actor, what  about you?                                          

A: How often do you go to the movies?
            a) I go always to the movies on Sunday                                
*     b) I go sometimes to the movies on Sunday.                          
            c) I go to movies at Sunday.                                                  
            d) I usually go to the movies on Sunday.                                 

A: Where’s Ji-son from?
            a) In Korea.                                                                         
*     b) Korea.                                                                             
            c) An actor.                                                                         
            d) I’m fine, thanks.                                                              

A: How’s it going?
            a) New York.                                                                       
            b) Yes, it is.                                                                         
*     c) Pretty good, thanks.                                                          
            d) How are you?                                                                   

Complete the conversation.

A: …?
B: I like Italian food.
            a) Yes, I do. I like Italian food..                                             
            b) Yes, I’m starving.                                                             
            c) Pretty good, thanks.                                                           
*     d) What kind of food do you like?                                           

A: …?
B: No, I don’t.
            a) Let’s have a sea food?                                                       
*     b) Do you like spaghetti?                                                        
            c) Is that Italian food?                                                             
            d) What kind of food do you like?                                           

a) Complete the questions using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous:

1. What do you do to relax?
2. How often do you go out with friends?
3. What do you go to do this evening?
4. How often you spend time on your own?
5. What do you do usually at the weekend?
6. .Where do you go on holiday in the next two or three months?
7. How often do you argue with your family or friends?
8. Are you  learning something new at the moment?

b) Answer the questions in exercise 1 by giving your own information

Which questions refer to...
1. General habits or routines?
_ I sometimes watch TV before bed.
_ I don’t exercise very often.
_ I walk every day.   
2. Actions happening at the moment?
_ I’m studying English in the University.
_ I’m reading “Guimarães Rosa” at the moment.
_ I often listen “A-HA” in the evening.
3. The future?
_ I’m going to school.
_ I’m gonna visit my grandparents.
_ I’m taking English classes.


c) Write questions for these answers:
1. We go to school by bus.
How do you go to school?
2. I live in Teresina.
Where do you live?
3. She goes to school in the afternoon.
What time does she go to school? 
4. He doesn’t go to school because he is tired.
 He goes to school? 
5. I get up at 6:30
What time do you get up every day? 
6. They have three children.
How many children they have?
7. Yes, I speak English.
Do you speak English?
8. Yes, He is studying Portuguese.
Is he studying Portuguese?
9. Yes, we are mowing the lawn.
Are you mowing the lawn?
10. No, they are not sleeping. They are watching TV.
Are they sleeping?